Ron Carter Private Bass Clinic via Zoom

 Available starting in early 2023 

75 mins  $225

 If you are interested in a clinic with Mr. Carter, see below.

Topics covered:  

*How he does what he does and how he finds those notes.

*Evaluation of the student’s current skill level.

*Show the student what Mr. Carter did to get to his level and suggest next steps to up their game

*Constructing bass lines

*Knowing where the notes are located

*Understanding the responsibility of your bass line in the tune.

*For students who perform professionally:  Touring bassists don’t always play their own basses.  How to adjust judge the inconsistencies of the “bass du jour”’ to allow you to play in tune every night

 75 mins  $225

 If you are interested in a clinic with Mr. Carter, please send the following to

 MP4 of you playing  for at least 5 minutes, including BOTH of these:

 I classical etude
5 choruses of blues in F, quarter note=92

 We will get back to you about scheduling some time in late December or January.

 Thanks for your interest!


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